Every new generation of workers is different, because all of them have their own complexities, goals, skills and needs and being able to recognize these nuances and manage a cross-generation staff is going to be essential for success.
The good news is that the Generation Z workforce is very similar to the Millennials that have come before them. They have had smartphones and social media accounts practically since middle school, so generation Z will be the most technology proficient generation.
This generation respond well to frequent praise and rewards, they expect from their managers to give them constant feedback, which motivates and inspires them to work harder. It’s interesting to note that Generation Z-ers are a lot more interested in achieving financial stability than Millennials, because while they are just as interested as Millennials in doing work that fulfils them and participating in something that’s going to change the world for the better, they are less willing to sacrifice financial stability to achieve these goals. (David Galic, 2016)
Generation Z doesn’t just want to advance, they want to learn and better themselves every step of the way. They respond well to training, mentorship, guidance and getting the opportunity to continue learning new things and expanding on skills that they already possess.
Generation Z, has practically grown up on the Internet, so they couldn’t work in cubicles, they need to set them free. This new generation of young workers knows how to manage life on the go, they quickly respond to emails from the bar on their phones, they take their laptops with them for the weekend when they visit their parents so they have no problem with being able to focus and get work done from anywhere they need to. This flexibility extends further than to just where they can and can’t get work done from, but also extends into a blurring of the lines between personal and work time, which Generation Z workers are able to achieve and manage quite perfect. (David Galic, 2016)